HURCO (2012) 5 Axis CNC Vertical Machining Center
Late Model 5 Axis, High Speed CNC Vertical Machining Center with Very Low Hours
Wednesday, February 26, 2020
Start Time
10:30 AM EST
BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please call 416.962.9600 for more details.
BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Please call 416.962.9600 for more details.
Asset Located in Guelph, ON

HURCO (2012) VMX42UI 5 axis CNC vertical machining center with HURCO dual screen CNC control, 13.7” diameter rotary table, travels – X–42”, Y–24”, Z–24”, A—110 deg./+30 deg. at .001deg.increments., C–360,000 deg. (.001 deg. increments), RENISHAW part and tool probe, 300 PSI coolant thru spindle, speeds to 10,000 RPM, CAT 40 taper, 40 station ATC, 24 HP, chip conveyor, 2992hrs (recorded at time of listing), s/n: M444U-16003122CLCS